Salt Cloud - Amazon


These notes are being moved to

Following How to Provision AWS EC2 Instances with Salt Cloud


Follow the instructions in AWS Command Line Tool


Create a private and public SSH key (replace my_salt_cloud_key with a key name of your choice):

sudo ssh-keygen -f /etc/salt/my_salt_cloud_key -t rsa -b 4096
aws ec2 import-key-pair --key-name my_salt_cloud_key \
      --public-key-material file:///etc/salt/
ssh-add /etc/salt/

To list key pairs:

aws ec2 describe-key-pairs

To remove a key pair:

aws ec2 delete-key-pair --key-name my_salt_cloud_key

Salt Cloud

Add an image to cloud.profiles e.g:

  provider: kb_eu_west_1_private_ips
    image: ami-ff498688

Add a provider to cloud.providers:

  # Set up the location of the salt master

  # Specify whether to use public or private IP for deploy script.
  # Valid options are:
  #     private_ips - The salt-master is also hosted with EC2
  #     public_ips - The salt-master is hosted outside of EC2
  ssh_interface: public_ips

  # Set the EC2 access credentials
  id: YourAmazonId
  key: 'YourAmazonKey'

  # Make sure this key is owned by root with permissions 0400
  keyname: my_salt_cloud_key
  private_key: /etc/salt/my_salt_cloud_key
  securitygroup: KbSecurityGroup

  # Optionally configure default region
  location: eu-west-1
  availability_zone: eu-west-1a

  # aws ami
  size: Micro Instance
  # delete aws root volume when minion is destroyed
  del_root_vol_on_destroy: True

  # Configure which user to use to run the deploy script. This setting is
  # dependent upon the AMI that is used to deploy. It is usually safer to
  # configure this individually in a profile, than globally. Typical users
  # are:
  # Amazon Linux -> ec2-user
  # RHEL         -> ec2-user
  # CentOS       -> ec2-user
  # Ubuntu       -> ubuntu
  ssh_username: ubuntu

  # rename instances when they are destroyed.
  rename_on_destroy: True

  provider: ec2
  • Replace YourAmazonId and YourAmazonKey with your ID and key.

  • Update the keyname and private_key so they match your own key name.

  • Find the availability_zone for your location by running aws ec2 describe-availability-zones

  • Make sure the securitygroup matches the name you chose.


Create a test server:

sudo -i
salt-cloud \
  --profiles=/home/patrick/repo/dev/module/deploy/salt-cloud/cloud.profiles \
  --providers-config=/home/patrick/repo/dev/module/deploy/salt-cloud/cloud.providers \
  --profile base_ec2_private \

Log into your new server:

sudo -i
eval `ssh-agent`
ssh-add /etc/salt/my_salt_cloud_key
ssh ubuntu@


The IP address of the new server will be displayed when the salt-cloud command finishes.

To get root access (on this Ubuntu server):

sudo -i