

Generate a password file containing your users and their passwords:

mkdir /home/web/apache/
htpasswd -c /home/web/apache/my-test-trac.htpasswd patrick

Note: After the first user, you don’t need the “-c” option:

htpasswd /home/web/apache/my-test-trac.htpasswd kevin

Add the following to your Apache conf/httpd.conf file:

<LocationMatch "/trac/login">
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "Trac"
    AuthUserFile "/home/web/apache/my-test-trac.htpasswd"
    Require valid-user

Note: To use the same password file for multiple instances of the Trac, see Adding Authentication… e.g:

<LocationMatch "/trac/[^/]+/login">

(I couldn’t get it to work last time I tried)…

To give users permission to access resources, see Trac - Admin